Our Mission
1) to focus on issues pertinent to female affiliates of the School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
2) to encourage young girls to enter engineering through outreach
News of the Month: September 2019
Watch out for the WOMEN event volunteering opportunities!
In the News
April 24, 2019CBE Graduate Arna Pálsdóttir tells her story on the Science Blender podcast.
March 23, 2019The 9th annual WOMEN event was a success! Watch a video here.
January 31, 2019Lakshmi Nathan (Daniel Group) co-chairs the Gordon Research Seminar on Physical Virology.
January 18, 2019Meghan O'Leary wins the Science As Art photo competition at the CBE Graduate Symposium 2019.
March 26, 2018CBE WOMEN hosts the 8th annual WOMEN event, with the largest number of participants ever.
Sept 6, 2017CBE WOMEN's outreach project shortlisted for GDEC Airbus Diversity Award
June 12, 2017CBEWomen Recieves Women in Engineering Initiative Award for its WOMEN Event
May 10, 2017Qiuming Yu (Ph.D. '95, Clancy Group) was promoted to Research Full Professor (U. Washington)
May 3, 2017Zhu Cheng named 2017-18 Fleming Scholar
April 24, 2017Prof. Susan Daniel and Ph.D. candidate, Aravind Natarajan were featured speakers at the Ithaca March for Science
March 30, 2017Reseach led by Shuya Wei featured on the cover of Advanced Materials
March 1, 2017Rachel LeCover won a highly competitive parallel computing research internship at Los Alamos National Laboratory
February 13, 2017Congratulations to our CBE Graduate symposium winners: Zhu Cheng (industry/faculty choice for best talk), Siyu Zhu (best poster), and Michelle Sorkin (science as art photo competition)
January 26, 20176-Year-Old Girls Already Have Gendered Beliefs About Intelligence
Programs for Female High School Students

CBE Women WOMEN Outreach (Spring)
Women in Engineering Hosting Program (Fall)